Wednesday, February 15, 2017

letter to advice column

Dear Samantha ,

I'm looking for help somehow, for someone i know have been called a "Hog". If he is been called a hog, He feel as if he need to behave as one. Before he die I want too turn him into a person, but I don't know how. He isn't speaking and will not answer any questions I've asked. Should I give up and let his life pass by ? Or reach out for father help ?

Sunday, February 12, 2017

chapter 3 A Lesson Before Dying

 1.How does Henri Pichots insistence that Jefferson "did it" redirect the plot narrative? Henri says simply that he recognized him in the wrong way. He also treats him like a slave. Later on at the end of the chapter Henri refuses anyone to see Jefferson.

Grant is implying that Miss.Emma wamt him to go and have a talk with Henri. Grant doesnt won't to have a talk with him but Miss.Emma wants Grant to talk to Henri so he can help him.

3.What does the back door of Henri Pinchot's plantation house symbolized to Grant and his aunt? Why does having to enter the plantations house though the back door rankle Grant?

The back door of Henri Pichot's plantation house symbolize that Grant would not have to come through that food without his aunt after him leaving to go to the university.

4. How does Miss Emma prevail on Henri Pichot to speak to the sheriff on her behalf?

She basically tells the sheriff she wants him to go out as a man not as a boy also to let Henri teach him how to be a man and show everyone that he is not a hog.

Quotation Assignment:
"But she was speaking to an empty space...Miss Emma continued to stare up the hall for a moment, then she and my aunt turned away, and I held the door open for them to go outside. The sun had gone down,and it was getting colder."- Chapter 3, Page 23

This quotation is introducing another conflict for the characters in this story, so far in the book we know that Jefferson was pronouced guilty for a crime he did not do. In the situation this quote is in, Miss Emma had semi-convinced Henri to talk to the sheriff, but as time went on he grew less patient and dismissed her silently. This probably gave her the idea that he would not speak to the sheriff and would simply let Jefferson die because of his opinion.

introducing myself

My hobby is dancing . I'm 17 years old I'm a junior. I like animals and babies. My future career is too become a Neonatal Nurse. I'm very talkative I enjoy begin around people. My favorite tv show is Grey's Anatomy, I enjoy watching it daily.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

I Have A Dream

My hobby is dancing. My academic goal is to become a dance girl for Alabama A&M. My career goal is to become a Neonatal Nurse. I Enjoy Swimming And Reading Books. I have big dreams and high hopes.

No his vision has not been achieved "Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to peces, I would still plant my apple tree" he said. People do not have faith and hope like this anymore. "If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and wrote". Now days the educations are taking for granted and abused, people don't read or write as much as they use to. "I have so much to do I shall spend the first three hours in prayer". Everyone doesn't pray that's not what he wanted. God is the answer to all problems.

Chapter 3-4 Discussion Questions

Chapter 3 Discission Question
1.He Corrects Grant When he "address" him incorrectly, telling him to say sir rather than leaving it in a normal sentence.
2."He go'n do it ," implying that Grant may give up saying no ,or he finding a reason to turn Jefferson into a man .
3.He don't want to be seen as a slave,he dislike the way others are treated.
4.Henri speaking to the sheriff would guarantee an agreement rather than Miss Emma doing it .
Chapter 4 Discission Question
1.When Describing Bayonne,the narrator mentions that the town's major industries include "a slaughter house ,mostly for hogs."Chapter 1. This also echo the public defender's summation in the trial.Just like the hogs being killed in the slaughter house,like Jefferson compared to a hog earlier in the story ,will be killed or slaughtered like an animal.
2.The narrator feels compelled to flee because of the burden of changing Jefferson to a man before he dies . His Love Of His Life Vivian kept him there .